World watches Saudi, U.S. response to Khashoggi crisis

In the latest Great Decisions Star Tribune editorial, columnist John Rash discusses U.S. global engagement and the military and how it relates to the Jamal Khashoggi case, which has spiraled into a foreign-policy crisis for the U.S. and Saudi Arabia....

40 years on, Iran’s Islamic Revolution still roils

In the latest Great Decisions Star Tribune editorial, columnist John Rash discusses the security and stability in the Middle East and Iran's role in the region. 40 years on, Iran's Islamic Revolution still roils Photo credit: Associated Press

Global Conversations: A Rwandan Story of Healing and Forgiveness

Online registration is closed. Walk-ins welcome. In 1994 over the span of 100 days, nearly a million Tutsi were killed in Rwanda. After finding personal healing and forgiveness, author Denise Uwimana turned her extraordinary experience as a survivor of the 1994...

Even from a co-founder, Facebook faces calls for reform

In the latest Star Tribune Great Decisions editorial, writer John Rash discusses the nexus of cyber conflict and geopolitics. Even from a co-founder, Facebook faces calls for reform Photo credit: Francois Mori, Associated Press

Global Conversations: A Rwandan Story of Healing and Forgiveness

Hear author and Rwandan genocide survivor Denise Uwimana shares her testimony and discuss Rwanda’s turbulent history and the projects and programs established to promote healing, renovation, and community building in the region. About Denise Uwimana Sakina Denise Uwimana-Reinhardt was born...

Upcoming trade deal with Japan should help U.S. farmers

During the latest Doing Business Roundtable, visiting speaker Wendy Cutler, Vice President and Managing Director with the Asia Society Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., spoke with the Star Tribune about U.S.-Japan trade ties. Upcoming trade deal with Japan should help...

The world fails to save Syria’s citizens

In the latest Great Decisions Star Tribune editorial, writer John Rash discusses the crisis in Syria with Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for the United Nations Secretary-General, who was in Minnesota for a visit hosted by the United Nations Association of Minnesota,...

Global Conversations DIGITAL: The Two Koreas

The Korean Peninsula is facing a defining era. Attempts by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and former U.S. President Donald Trump to repair the rift between North and South lost momentum as Pyongyang continued to test long-range missiles for its...

‘Pivot’ to Asia may pivot back to Mideast

In the latest Star Tribune Great Decisions editorial, writer John Rash discusses U.S. relations with Iran, re-entering the Iran nuclear deal, and the diplomatic dynamics of the Middle East. 'Pivot' to Asia may pivot back to Mideast - Star Tribune, October...

Global Conversations DIGITAL: A Report from COP26

The recent UN COP26 summit in Glasgow, Scotland, brought together world leaders, climate experts, advocates, and more to accelerate action towards climate goals that protect our planet and ensure a greener, more resilient future for all. With Minnesota as one...

2022’s Global Risks Include Not Reckoning with 2021’s Domestic One

In the latest Star Tribune Great Decisions editorial, writer John Rash discusses 2022's international outlook and America's ability to effectively respond to geopolitical crises. He also highlights Global Minnesota's 2022 U.S. Foreign Policy Update program with former Foreign Service Officer...

Putin’s Propaganda Hurts The World, But Harms Russia Most

In the latest Star Tribune Great Decisions editorial, writer John Rash discusses the internal repression of information in Vladimir Putin's Russia following the outbreak of war in Ukraine. He also highlights Global Minnesota's recent event on Russia's Goals In Europe...

Market Opportunities in Saudi Arabia

High oil prices and economic development initiatives such as Vison 2030 have created new opportunities for investment in Saudi Arabia. Many businesses are beginning to turn to this major petroleum producer for a variety of high-tech and green energy solutions....

Global Book Club: The Cubans with Anthony DePalma

The United States and Cuba have had a tense relationship for decades. Years of mistrust and sanctions between the two governments have isolated and impacted millions of Cuba's residents. In his latest book, The Cubans: Ordinary Lives in Extraordinary Times,...

Podcast Episode: Connecting Minnesotan & Ukrainian Students

Global Minnesota recently launched a new virtual youth diplomacy program to connect Ukrainian and American high school students. In this program, students from Kyiv and Lviv, Ukraine are connecting with Edina High School students through online meetings and via social...

Podcast Episode: Connecting Minnesotan & Ukrainian Students

Global Minnesota recently launched a new virtual youth diplomacy program to connect Ukrainian and American high school students. In this program, students from Kyiv and Lviv, Ukraine are connecting with Edina High School students through online meetings and via social...

Podcast Episode: Minnesota, the State Department, & World Expos

On the latest episode of The Global Minnesota Podcast, hear from Elizabeth Horst and Kin Moy, two Senior Foreign Service Officers at the U.S. Department of State who are both originally from Minnesota. They discussed Minnesota’s recent bid to host...

Cyprus in Context with Ambassador Doherty

This event is AT CAPACITY.  Please reach out to our Events Manager Katie Kelley at [email protected] with any questions.  In 1960, Cyprus became independent from the United Kingdom, but its early years were marked by violence between Greek Cypriots and...