Other Ways to Give
Your support means the world to us. Giving to Global Minnesota – in any way – means you’re helping reach schools, organizations, and communities with enriching programs that inspire global citizenship, create personal connections, and engage Minnesotans with the world. Your tax-deductible donation is essential to meeting our mission.
Tributes or Honorary Gifts
Global Minnesota has a rich history and we honor its dedicated leaders of past and present. Tribute and honorary gifts are a meaningful way to convey special sentiments, honor family and friends, and support Global Minnesota in everything it does. Make that special gift today. Please specify who your gift is honoring in the comments section.
Employee Matching Gifts
Does your employer match charitable gifts? Please consider requesting that your gift to Global Minnesota be matched. Contact your human resources department to find out more about their gift matching process.
Stock Transfer
To make a stock transfer, please call 612.625.1662.
Planned Giving
Leaving a gift to Global Minnesota in your estate plan is a wonderful way to ensure the future of Global Minnesota and your legacy with the organization. Contact Kathleen Oscarson, Director of Operations, at 612.625.4644 to learn how your gift can leave a lasting impact.