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Great Decisions: NATO’s Future

June 12, 2024 @ 5:30 pm CDT

/ Free

This free event is being held in-person and is open to everyone. An optional dinner will start at 7:15 following the presentation. The dinner is $25 for Woman’s Club members and $30 for non-members (plus service fee and taxes).

The North American Treaty Organization, NATO, was organized as a joint military defense force under the initiative of the United States to prevent the spread of Soviet communism in Europe after World War Two.

Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, the membership of the alliance has expanded from 19 to 32.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, turned out to be the best marketing opportunity for NATO since its formation on April 4, 1949. In retrospect, President Putin of Russia has inadvertently acted as the military organization’s best salesperson. Even the traditionally neutral countries of Finland and Sweden decided to join NATO out of the fear of possible Russian incursion into their territories. Why did this happen?

Has the US policy of NATO expansion been effective or is it driving certain of its allies to move away and align themselves with Russia and its backers?

Jay Shahidi, presenter

Mehr “Jay” Shahidi has been an international affairs researcher, public speaker, opinion writer, lobbyist, consultant and human rights activist since 1968 as well as a business owner since 1977 who now lives in Saint Louis Park.

He has published dozens of opinion articles and given over 1,200 public speeches on social-political issues. Born in Tehran and a graduate of the University of Minnesota, Mankato, Jay is a private businessman with a lengthy history of advocacy and representation on a multitude of humanitarian boards.

In 2004, Jay received the Minnesota State University, Mankato’s Distinguished Alumni Humanitarian Award for his work on diplomacy and peace-building; public education; refugee assistance; landmines removal; population stabilization; environmental protection; economic development; and, nuclear disarmament. His work continues today through M.J. Shahidi Business Consulting Co. which has provided organizing & management services to and advocacy for small business, civic and charitable groups.

The Great Decisions program addresses some of the most critical foreign policy issues facing the United States each year. Global Minnesota facilitates the statewide Great Decisions program by providing access to a roster of local foreign policy experts and to discussion materials produced by the Foreign Policy Association. Great Decisions books contain articles and materials authored by experts on each topic to provide a nonpartisan basis for understanding the important global issues of our time. A limited number of discounted books are available for purchase by Global Minnesota members and groups ordering ten or more books. Join Global Minnesota and the Woman’s Club of Minneapolis for an in-depth discussion of this important topic.

If you would like to register, please RSVP to [email protected] or click the link below.



June 12, 2024
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Reception Time
5:30 PM
Program Time
6:00 PM


The Woman’s Club of Minneapolis
410 Oak Grove St
Minneapolis, 55403
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