Membership Upgrade

With a little extra support, we can do a lot more good.

When you give an additional gift, your membership will be upgraded and you’ll receive one FREE admission to the 11th annual Great Decisions Conference: Media and Foreign Policy on Friday, November 9, in Minneapolis. You’ll ALSO receive an invitation to a private lunch (box style) with the conference speakers, including two dozen international journalists, immediately following the conference.*

Use the form below to upgrade your membership and you will automatically be registered for the conference and lunch.

You are welcome to bring a guest for the special price of $40 for the conference and lunch. Please call Kristi Pogatchnik, Individual Giving Officer, at 612.625.0620, to register a guest.

Thank you for increasing your membership.

*The value of goods received through this special is $40. The remainder of your membership gift is tax deductible. Your membership expiration date will not change through this special.