Media Release

I, the undersigned, hereby grant to Global Minnesota (the “Company”) the right to photograph, videotape, film, or otherwise record me, my voice or image, and to use my picture, photograph, image, and other reproductions (the “Recordings”) of my physical likeness (“My Likeness”) in connection with the event (the “Program”).

I hereby grant to Company the perpetual right, without limitation, in any and all languages, in any and all media know known or hereafter invented, to use, as they desire, all Recordings of My Likeness, and the right to use My Likeness in connection with the Project, Company, including without limitation use of My Likeness on in print media, the Internet, or any similar media format or outlet. I further grant Company the right to reproduce, in any manner whatsoever, any Recordings of me or my Likeness in connection with the Project or otherwise created by Company.

I hereby expressly waive any and all so-called “moral rights” or “droits morale” in connection with the Recordings and My Likeness in connection with the Recordings. My signature below subsequent to the production of the Recordings shall have the same effect as if I had signed in advance thereof.

I further agree that I will not assert or maintain against Company or its successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with the use of My Likeness.

I hereby agree that the rights granted hereunder may be assigned or transferred by Company without my consent.

  • Ex. Global Conversations: China in Latin America
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY