Relive former career Foreign Service Officer Tom Hanson’s ever-popular analysis of the top foreign policy challenges facing the U.S. in 2017.

U.S. Foreign Policy Update with Tom Hanson

Tom explores and explains the latest foreign policy developments, trends, and challenges facing the U.S. and the Trump administration in the upcoming year, including nuclear security, international trade, and U.S. relations with China and Latin America. This timely and thought-provoking presentation is recommended for anyone interested in international relations.

About Tom Hanson

Tom Hanson’s U.S. Foreign Service postings included East Germany, France, Norway, the Soviet Union, Sweden, and the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. Currently, Tom serves as Diplomat in Residence at the University of Minnesota – Duluth and is a frequent Global Minnesota speaker. He is also a board member of the Oslo Center for Peace and Human Rights, U.S. Foundation.

Additional Reading Referenced by Tom