During her visit to Minnesota, 2019 International Women of Courage awardee Razia Sultana from Bangladesh captured the attention of Global Minnesota members and supporters as she recounted the human rights abuses suffered by the Rohingya people. Razia’s work helping survivors and raising global awareness led her to be honored by the U.S. Department of State as a courageous human rights leader.

Global Minnesota proudly hosted Razia for a professional exchange opportunity that connected her with local organizations to discuss strategies and ideas for serving at-risk communities, refugees, and survivors of domestic violence, including: Faegre Baker Daniels, the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota, Standpoint, Ramsey County Attorney’s Office, The American Refugee Committee, Como Park High School, Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center, and The Link. She also had the opportunity to sit down for an in-depth interview with reporter John Rash from the Star Tribune, and ended her visit with a private reception with community leaders and women entrepreneurs from around the world, at the Minneapolis-based creative agency and Global Minnesota corporate member, KNOCK, Inc.

A lawyer and human rights advocate, Razia has dedicated her life to defending the Rohingya community in Burma, conducting human rights advocacy on behalf of Rohingya refugees, and documenting systematic violence against women and girls.

Photo credit: Leigh Loftus

Video credit: KNOCK, Inc.