Presentations and panel discussions featuring national and local speakers from NPR News, the Immigration History Research Center, The Advocates for Human Rights, and others.

International Migration: Trends, Causes, and Consequences

Tom Hanson, Diplomat in Residence, University of Minnesota – Duluth
Prior to his current position at the University of Minnesota, Tom Hanson was a U.S. Foreign Service Officer whose postings included East Germany, France, Norway, the Soviet Union, Sweden, and the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. He also served as director for NATO and European Affairs at the Atlantic Council of the United States in Washington, D.C.

A Nation of Nations: A Great American Immigration Story

Tom Gjelten, Author and NPR Correspondent
Tom Gjelten reports on the changing religious landscape in America, the formation of personal identity, the role of religion in politics, and social and cultural conflict arising from religious differences for NPR News. His new book, A Nation of Nations: A Great American Immigration Story, recounts the impact on America of the 1965 Immigration Act, which officially opened the country’s doors to immigrants of color.

Erika Lee, Director, Immigration History Research Center (moderator)
A leading immigration and Asian American historian, Erika Lee and teaches American history at the University of Minnesota, where she holds the Rudolph J. Vecoli Chair in Immigration History, is Director of the Immigration History Research Center, and a Distinguished McKnight University Professor.

Young Immigrant Stories

Zamzam Ahmed, Legal Assistant, Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota; Student, St. Catherine University

Edgar Illescas Gómez, Student, Augsburg College

Chria Vang, Student, University of Minnesota

Michele Garnett McKenzie, Deputy Director and Director of Advocacy, The Advocates for Human Rights (moderator)
A member of The Advocates for Human Rights’ senior leadership team, Michele Garnett McKenzie leads the organization’s research, education, and advocacy team and is responsible for advocacy on The Advocates’ domestic priority issues including migration and human trafficking.

The Economic Impact of Immigrants

Sadiq Abdirahman, Business Project Manager, Minnesota Department of Administration
An engineer with a combined interest in the international development and policy fields, Sadiq Abdirahman has more than 16 years of information technology experience focusing on a wide range of technical competencies and currently works for the State of Minnesota, as a Business Project Manager Professional and Supervisor of Data Analytical Group.

Susan Brower, Minnesota State Demographer, Minnesota State Demographic Center
As the Minnesota State Demographer, Susan Brower directs the Minnesota State Demographic Center and travels the state talking with Minnesotans about the new social and economic realities that are brought about by recent demographic shifts.

Gerardo Guerrero, Consul of Mexico in St. Paul
Consul Guerrero is the fourth Consul of Mexico in St. Paul. He has worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1987 and joined the Diplomatic Corps in 1997. Consul Guerrero has served as an attorney in different legal offices within the Ministry, as well as at the Consulate in New York.

Milissa Silva-Díaz, Co-owner and CEO, El Burrito Mercado
Mexican-American Milissa Silva-Díaz is a passionate diversity advocate with a vision to unite teams through culture, food, and music, and is business savvy. She is the eldest daughter of immigrant, entrepreneur parents and is most known for her innovative leadership at El Burrito Mercado, the Mexican and Latino marketplace and restaurant in St. Paul.

Bill Blazar, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs and Business Development, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce (moderator)
Bill Blazar directs Grow Minnesota!, Minnesota’s Chamber of Commerce’s statewide business retention and expansion program and represents the Minnesota business community on several task forces and study groups including the U.S. State Chamber of Commerce’s Labor Relations Policy Committee.