Presentations and panel discussions featuring national and local speakers from The Advocates for Human Rights, Carlson, Center for Strategic and International Studies, DLA Piper, and others.

Human Trafficking as a U.S. Foreign Policy Priority

Tom Hanson, Diplomat in Residence, University of Minnesota – Duluth
Prior to his current position at the University of Minnesota, Tom Hanson was a U.S. Foreign Service Officer whose postings included East Germany, France, Norway, the Soviet Union, Sweden, and the former Soviet Republic of Georgia. He also served as director for NATO and European Affairs at the Atlantic Council of the United States in Washington, D.C.

Global Implications for Human Trafficking – Panel Discussion

Sarah E. Mendelson, Senior Adviser and Codirector, Human Rights Initiative, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Dr. Mendelson works within the Washington community to broaden and expand constituencies for justice while engaging 21st-century opportunities and challenges for grounding human rights principles around the world. She helped shape the NATO trafficking policy in 2004 and the U.S. Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005.

Rachel Paulose, Partner, DLA Piper, and former U.S. Attorney (moderator)
A litigation partner at DLA Piper, Rachel is the only Twin Cities attorney with criminal and civil litigation and investigatory experience at the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. During her tenure as U.S. Attorney, Rachel named prosecution of human trafficking a law enforcement priority for the first time in Minnesota and the District became the national leader in this civil rights initiative.

The Local Response: Minnesota’s Action on Trafficking – Panel Discussion

Robin Phillips, Executive Director, The Advocates for Human Rights
Robin Phillips, an attorney, has written about human rights, including trafficking in women, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, and domestic violence. She has also led delegations to Ghana and Liberia as part of The Advocates’ work with Liberia’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. View presentation.

Dave Pinto, Representative (DFL, 64B), Minnesota State Legislature
In addition to representing the Macalester-Groveland, Highland Park, and Fort Road/West 7th communities in the Minnesota House of Representatives, Dave is a prosecutor for the Ramsey County Attorney’s Office. In this capacity, Dave led a team of attorneys prosecuting domestic violence involving children and now focuses on juvenile sex trafficking. View presentation.

Brenda Schultz, Director Responsible Business, Americas, Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group
Brenda Schultz is responsible for all aspects of social, ethical, and environmental responsibility for a portfolio of 650 hotels in the Americas. Her duties include hotel training, communications, environmental measurements, and support for anti-human trafficking initiatives and World Childhood Foundation, as well as Carlson’s own Responsible Business Action Month. View presentation.

John Rash, Editorial Writer, Star Tribune (moderator)
John Rash is an editorial writer and columnist, and his weekly Rash Report column analyzes media news and trends. His focus on foreign policy as an editorial writer has taken him on reporting trips to Japan, Turkey, Rwanda, Kuwait, and Kazakhstan. Prior to joining the Star Tribune, John was a senior vice president, director of media analysis for Mithun, a Minneapolis-based national advertising agency.

Mapping the Market: Trafficked Minor Girls in Minneapolis

Lauren Martin, Director of Research, Urban Research and Engagement-Outreach Center, University of Minnesota
Nationally recognized for her groundbreaking research in the area of sex trading and trafficking prevention, Lauren is an expert on community-engaged research methods. She is the author of numerous community and scholarly publications and the principle investigator on several research projects including, Mapping the Market for Juvenile Sex Trafficking in Minneapolis. View presentation.

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